Sell and Market More Efficiently

Youtil is a Transformational Partner



Youtil makes your brands and products accessible to our customers at a touch of a button. Highlight your company’s innovations and connect to the work that contractors are providing for end users.

This completes a full connection, all while providing you white papers and market research based on geographical and demographical trends.


Market Trends by Sales Data

Youtil's entire ecosystem is aimed at providing greater credibility for the consultant, thereby creating easier sales. Consultants can present the history of their work, as well as the rationale guiding their energy proposals.

Freedom of Marketplace

Manufacturers will be able to assess the strengths and weakness of competitors as well as the marketplace as a whole within Youtil’s ecosystem. This allows for more informed decisions, as well as more efficient competition.


Tools to Leverage

Freedom of Market Data It is mission critical for Manufacturers to have the right products. Youtil’s historical data facilitates the identification of trends for consistent, high-profit volume when demand is highest.


Youtil understands that On Demand models for manufactures can be a bit scary.


Our requirements are simple however.

We require that LED lighting suppliers have:

1) a US based warehouse

2) Up-to-date inventory with commitments to 3-week delivery within the continental US

3) UL/ETL Certifications

4) Minimum warranties of 5 years

5) Pricing below MSRP. While we won’t strictly regulate this, the marketplace will.